
Your May 2023 Monthly Horoscope For Your Zodiac Sign

If April showers bring May flowers, get ready to bloom, dear friends. The astrology for May 2023 is all about digging deeper into your desires and embracing the highs and lows that come with intentional growth. Yes, eclipse season is eclipsing, and Mercury retrograde is definitely retrograding, but it’s still Taurus season, and you are steadily flourishing.

The first week of May opens on a dramatic note, as powerful Pluto stations retrograde in revolutionary Aquarius on May 1 for the first time in this lifetime. This transit marks the beginning of the annual retrograde season and a six-week period of reviewing social, technological, and political policies and norms.

While this energy may call more attention to issues with faulty AI, humanitarian conflicts, and scientific disputes, take a moment to unplug from the chaos on May 5 when the soul-cleansing Scorpio lunar eclipse casts its shadow over the sky. Unlike last year’s eclipse season, the first lunar eclipse of 2023 also represents the final Scorpio eclipse of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle, which started in November 2021. This means that you may experience full-circle moments as one story ends and a new story begins. If feeling extra emotional or in need of space, don’t hesitate to clear your schedule of unnecessary plans, especially once socialite Venus begins its three-week journey through homebody Cancer on May 7.

If in need of good news, welcome unexpected upgrades and financial blessings on May 9 when the sun and unpredictable Uranus team up in timeless Taurus. This earthy celestial meetup paves the path for long-term wealth, material luxury, and emotional security. However, if things start to feel stagnant or outdated with the abundance of fixed elements in the air, the last quarter moon on May 12 invites you to shake things up and challenge the status quo. Take this time to review, refine, and reshape your ideas and interactions, as Mercury will end its retrograde and move forward in Taurus on May 14. This means that communication mishaps, travel delays, technological breakdowns, and economic downturns should slowly improve, especially with lucky Jupiter joining the cluster of planets in thrifty Taurus on May 16. Regardless of your planetary placements, this rewarding transit offers stability and earthly pleasure for all zodiac signs.

While money isn’t all that Taurus cares about, a chance to strengthen your self-esteem and bank account may present itself on May 19 when the Taurus new moon touches down. Use this grounding energy to generate new income streams and create more security in your current relationships, career goals, and financial habits. Whether you’re in the market for a new job or in the process of improving your spring skin-care routine, you’ll be glad you put the structures in place to support your goals once confidence-boosting Mars begins its electrifying transit in Leo from May 20 until July 10, 2023. This fiery period empowers you to move through fear and live from your heart. How will you create space for joy, laughter, and self-expression in your world? How will you be a leader in your community?

You may start to uncover the answer to these questions once Gemini season begins on May 21, inspiring a new chapter of self-discovery and learning in the collective. Just keep in mind that every big idea comes with big responsibilities, so don’t bite off more than you can chew. This is especially important during the final week of the month when the sun and Saturn clash in the sky on May 28. Take it one step at a time.

See exactly what the next 30 days have in store for you with your May 2023 monthly horoscope, according to your zodiac sign and rising sign. For a deeper dive into your year ahead, also read your 2023 horoscope.

Aries monthly horoscope for May 2023

Aries (March 21–April 19) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Keep up the good work, Aries, your consistent efforts and dedication are slowly but steadily paying off. In fact, your May 2023 horoscope is filled with opportunities to enjoy the fruits of your labor. While your May horoscope begins on a murky note with Mercury still retrograde in Taurus, penetrating Pluto will station retrograde in Aquarius and your 11th house of technology and community on May 1, making the first week of the month a good time to review your budget and spending habits. Fortunately for you, the liberating Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5 provides you the chance to release inner fears surrounding debt, intimacy, and scarcity. Use this supercharged full moon to pay off lingering bills and check in on previous investments. Ask yourself, how can I be a better financial partner and planner?

Although retrograde season isn’t the most ideal time for making serious decisions and investments, don’t be surprised if an unexpected offer to earn some extra funds or indulge in a well-deserved treat comes your way on May 9 when the sun and unpredictable Uranus align in the sky. While you may be tempted to go all in on an exciting opportunity, wait until after Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct in Taurus on May 14 to commit. You may have a change of heart and vision on May 16 once lucky Jupiter enters Taurus.

Thanks to the nourishing Taurus new moon on May 19 and Mars moving into fiery Leo on May 20, you’re walking into Gemini season with a solid plan, and this is exactly what you need to stay inspired and open to new experiences throughout the end of the month. With the sun in Gemini, which rules your third house of communication and self-learning from May 21 until June 21, use the last two weeks of May to surround yourself with stimulating people and environments. Tap into your supreme Gemini season energy by reading books, listening to podcasts, attending concerts, going to a craft festival, or visiting with friends. Close out the month expanding your mind and social connections.

Taurus monthly horoscope for May 2023

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Make room for your breakthrough, Taurus, as your May 2023 horoscope calls you to prioritize your own wants and needs. While the month begins with the sun continuing its annual tour through your sign, which is great for celebrating your birthday and achievements, take a moment to self-reflect on all the good in your life on May 1 when the sun and Mercury retrograde connect. With Mercury retrograde representing a period of review and redemption, it may be a good time to ask yourself: how have I grown and expanded as an individual since last May? If you are ready to close the chapter on self-sabotaging habits and unstable relationships, you’ll find closure on May 5, when the Scorpio lunar eclipse penetrates the sky.

Fortunately for you, things continue to take a turn for the better on May 9 when the sun and unpredictable Uranus join forces in your sign. Whether you’re in the mood for a spontaneous solo outing or decide to invest in a new wardrobe or image, this electrifying transit empowers you to get out of your comfort zone and fully immerse yourself in the world. In fact, on May 12, the last quarter Moon in Aquarius lighting up your career zone may bring an unexpected change or improvement at work. If interested in a promotion, wait until Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16. Mercury would’ve already ended its retrograde on May 14, increasing your chances for success. Expect another cosmic boost on May 19 when the grounding Taurus new moon touches down. Think of this new moon as your personal New Year. How will you refresh and reset?

While it’s one thing to own your big dreams, it’s important to remember you also need to finance them, so keep your money matters in mind once the sun moves into creative Gemini and your second house of values and income on May 21. While Gemini season is ideal for new skills and updating your resumes and social channels, things are also heating up on the home front as Mars enters Leo on May 20. This heart-warming transit supports your desire to deepen your connection with family and children. Be on the lookout for an opportunity to host a gathering or attend an event in your honor on May 26 when socialite Venus and lively Uranus align in the sky. Welcome the love and recognition you are receiving, Taurus! You earned it.

Gemini monthly horoscope for May 2023

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Your time is coming, Gemini, don’t force what’s not meant for you. While it may be uncomfortable to understand at times, everything you are experiencing is a part of your journey, and hopefully, your May 2023 can help reassure you of that. To kick off your month of healing and closure, on May 1, Pluto, the planet representing your subconscious mind and raw emotions, will station retrograde in Aquarius and your ninth house of adventure until June 11. This powerful transit encourages you to examine how your relationships and spiritual beliefs have shaped your current path and decisions. If your energy is low at the beginning of the month, take advantage of an opportunity to rest and reset on May 5, when the Scorpio lunar eclipse purifies the sky. Use this supercharged moment to address underlying health or emotional boundary issues that may be lingering or weighing you down, especially when it comes to your daily routines and work environment. Good vibes only!

Speaking of habits, be more intentional about making your house a home this month with Venus moving through Cancer from May 7 until June 5. Simple budget-friendly luxury purchases like slow-burning wood-wick candles, espresso machines, plush towels, etc., could turn your humble abode into a sensual paradise. Tensions should slowly ease up starting on May 14 when your planetary ruler, messenger Mercury, ends its retrograde in your twelfth house of loss and isolation. Don’t be in a rush to hit the scene this spring though, as Jupiter, the planet of growth and prosperity, begins its twelve-month journey through Taurus and your healing zone. Instead of living in the moment, this grounding transit brings expansion by prioritizing stillness and emotional security. Give yourself space and time to grow.

To help you stay inspired and committed during this season of transition, motivator Mars will enter confidence-boosting Leo from May 20 until July 10. This means that for the next two months, you’ll feel at your best when you incorporate music, humor, and creativity into your daily rituals and responsibilities. Keep this same energy once the sun moves into your sign on May 21. Regardless of what shifts have taken place in your life, this is your season to celebrate yourself and your outstanding achievements. What accomplishments are you ready to share with the world?

Cancer monthly horoscope for May 2023

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Patience is a virtue this month, Cancer, so don’t rush your blessings. With Venus in Gemini hanging out in your endings and isolation zone for the majority of April and the beginning of May, you may be having a tougher-than-usual Taurus season. Fortunately for you, your May 2023 horoscope promises emotional and physical relief as the month brings aligned experiences for self-healing and community building. The first wave of relief touches down on May 5 when the Scorpio lunar eclipse penetrates the sky. This soul-cleansing transit empowers you to shed suffocating feelings and insecurities surrounding your personal gifts and methods of self-expression. This will be especially important when it comes to social media and connecting with peers, as the lunar eclipse will take place in your fifth house of popularity and personal talents. If feeling shy about dropping your latest photos and opinions on the web, take advantage of socialite Venus entering your sign from May 7 until June 5. Use this nourishing transit to update your physical appearance and explore your romantic interests.

An old flame or friend may bring you the confirmation you need to put yourself out there on May 12 when Mercury retrograde and Venus form a harmonious connection in your sign. If it’s been a while since you’ve had brunch with your inner circle or went on a date for that matter, this is a good day to check in virtually or schedule an in-person link-up — whatever matches your vibe. If you’re still not ready to make your grand debut, that’s OK. You may feel more inspired to move forward with your ideas and intentions once Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct on May 14. That said, keep a lookout for new financial growth opportunities to swing your way starting May 16 when Jupiter jumps into security-focused Taurus. Whether you’re ready to invest your energy into a team project, build wealth with your friends, or dive into a new career field involving tech, the sky’s the limit. The key to your success is trusting yourself to endure the highs and lows of the process. You got this!

If looking for the best time to meet some new people, look no further than the May 19 Taurus new moon. This down-to-earth new moon is all about fostering long-term connections that will help you reach your goals for emotional security and stability. To help you financially prepare for the new chapter you are starting in your career and social life, motivator Mars will slip into outspoken Leo from May 20 until July 11, highlighting your second house of income and assets. While it may be uncomfortable at first, get used to how good it feels when you advocate for yourself and ask for what you deserve. Keep this same energy on May 21, when Gemini season officially begins, and the sun slips into your twelfth house of reflection and surrender. While you may not end the month with all the answers you need, you are closing the month with a newfound sense of self-belief and courage. Celebrate that, Cancer!

Leo monthly horoscope for May 2023

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Do what you say and say what you mean this month, Leo; your future reputation and emotional well-being depends on it. While you’ve been busy behind the scenes building a legacy you can feel proud of this Taurus season, your May 2023 horoscope calls attention to where you may be feeling professionally overwhelmed and emotionally imbalanced. Yes, it’s important to work hard and honor your commitments, but not at the expense of your family and mental health. If burnout is creeping in at the beginning of the month, take advantage of an opportunity to shed insecurities around your public image and ability to provide a stable foundation for yourself and loved ones on May 5, when the Scorpio lunar eclipse purifies the sky. With Scorpio ruling your fertile fourth house of ancestry and roots, you must honor the changes in your living situation and family life. Eclipses are portals for transformation. Break the cycle and prioritize your inner peace.

Lions seeking extra alone time to process big thoughts and explosive plans will find their wishes granted on May 7 when socialite Venus slips into Cancer and your twelfth house of healing and isolation. Try silencing your notifications so you aren’t disturbed when you are off the clock. In regards to communications, conversations at work will slowly smooth out once Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct on May 14. However, don’t be surprised if things take off before you expected when Jupiter begins its year long-transit in Taurus and your 10th house of authority on May 16. While Jupiter in Aries was a season of continued learning and self-discovery for you, the next twelve months are all about exploring new ways to build financial independence and long-term wealth through sustainable business ventures and career advancements. If looking for the best time this month to move forward, circle May 19 on your calendar. On May 19, a refreshing Taurus new moon will illuminate the sky, signaling a new chapter in your journey.

Expect an energetic shift starting on May 20, when motivator Mars kicks off a two-month period of adventure and liberation in your sign. From May 20 until July 11, you will feel most productive and energized when you pour into yourself. Whether that means investing in a passion project, treating yourself to a much-needed shopping spree, or resetting your daily rituals and personal goals — do what feels good, Leo. The second half of the month opens the door for increased pleasure and joy in your world, so soak it in. To end the month on a high note, the sun will officially enter Gemini and your 11th house of community and collaboration until June 21, 2023. Who have you always wanted to connect with but never felt worthy of? Reach out to those people now; you’re ready.

Virgo monthly horoscope for May 2023

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Not everyone can appreciate the ease and earthiness Taurus energy brings, but you do, dear Virgo. Use it to your advantage this month, as your May 2023 horoscope exposes you to new opportunities for financial and material growth. If feeling restless, you’ll feel the call for transformation deepened on May 5 when the Scorpio lunar eclipse touches down and illuminates your third house of self-expression and self-learning. Use this supercharged lunation to release insecurities around emotional vulnerability and mental intimacy. How can you connect with others on an intellectual level? While you may tend to skip over the painful parts of learning to express intense feelings more freely, dig deep and face your communication fears head-on. This is especially important once socialite Venus enters sensitive Cancer on May 7. Remember, healthy relationships require honesty and open communication to grow.

As a Mercury-ruled sign, you enjoy having a well-organized and coordinated schedule. However, with Mercury still retrograde in Taurus until May 14, it’s best to keep an open calendar this month, as plans may unexpectedly change at the last minute. Luckily for you, good news and chances to travel will start to roll in on May 16 when joyous Jupiter begins a new year-long journey in indulgent Taurus. With Taurus ruling your ninth house of adventure and self-development, the next twelve months are ideal for going back to school to increase your earning potential, planning a luxurious vacation, and transitioning to a more free-spirited and financially independent lifestyle. Make the most of Jupiter’s abundance by creating a vision board for these changes during the Taurus new moon peaking on May 19.

Career matters circle to the forefront on May 21 when the sun officially enters Gemini and the sector of your birth chart that rules professional affairs. These vibes inspire you to think more about how satisfied you are with your current responsibilities and roles. But before you make any serious decisions, consider taking on a hobby that fills your creative cup once Mars moves into Leo and your twelfth house of self-healing and reflection on May 20. Mars in this sector of your chart could cause you to be sleepier or more emotional than usual. Respect your alone time.

Libra monthly horoscope for May 2023

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Hopefully, you listened to the call for rest and reflection at the end of April, dear Libra, as your May 2023 horoscope forecasts intense transformation and healing in your financial affairs and intimate relationships. While it can be difficult at first to adjust to the intense demands eclipse season and Mercury retrograde bring during the first two weeks of the month, take advantage of the delays and pauses instead of resisting them. Besides, who knows what secrets and insights you will uncover on May 1 when the sun and Mercury retrograde merge in your erotic eighth house of Taurus. You may also want to review your budget and spending habits on May 5 when the soul-cleansing Scorpio lunar eclipse lights up the sky. This supercharged full moon is an opportunity to settle lingering debts and shed insecurities surrounding your ability to sustain generational wealth. What lessons have you learned over the past two years about making and managing money?

Some Libras may be discussing home ownership or starting a side hustle to bring in extra funds once your planetary ruler Venus shifts into family-oriented Cancer on May 7. While this nurturing transit opens the door for deepening bonds with loved ones and potential business partners, be extra gentle with yourself and your process, as this sector of your chart requires continued patience and self-discipline to achieve your long-term goals. If possible, press pause on high-risk decisions and purchases until Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct on May 14. You’ll start to receive the clarity and resources you need to rebuild on May 16 when joyous Jupiter begins a new twelve-month cycle in Taurus and the Taurus new moon peaks on May 19.

On May 21, the sun will slip into fellow air sign Gemini, highlighting your adventurous ninth house of exploration and expansion. If you’re feeling burnout and need a change of scenery, Gemini season is an excellent time to get away and travel. In fact, you may find yourself planning a group trip with friends and family for the summer once Mars enters Leo from May 20 until July 11. Whether you decide to explore an international destination or are in the mood for experiences closer to home, a supportive sextile between the sun and Mars on May 22 helps make sure things align in your favor. What bucket list places will you visit? The month closes on a more hectic note for you as the sun and strict Saturn form a challenging position in the sky on May 28. With Saturn currently transiting your sixth house of work and wellness, use the final week of the month for addressing work and health changes with coworkers and superiors. Try not to make small disagreements or misunderstandings bigger than they really are. It’s not worth your peace of mind.

Scorpio monthly horoscope for May 2023

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Slow down and smell the roses this month, Scorpio. Your May 2023 horoscope is all about appreciating the small moments with loved ones and most importantly, yourself. While you aren’t always the most expressive and emotionally vulnerable, keep in mind that powerful Pluto will station retrograde in Aquarius and your fourth house of family on May 1. Unfortunately, this may bring old wounds and family issues to the surface. Although Pluto retrograde can stir up sensitive feelings, this planetary placement also gifts you an opportunity to be more honest and forthcoming with those around you, and this may lead to a stronger and more reliable support system later down the road. Fortunately for you, the courage you need to shed outdated parts of your mindset and personality that keep you from sharing your true self will find its way to you around the soul-cleansing Scorpio lunar eclipse on May 5. Let go of what’s no longer serving you.

Opportunities to travel and plan joyful experiences with your group may rise on May 7, once socialite Venus leaves Gemini and slips into fellow water sign Cancer. Use this heartwarming transit to plan a picnic with friends or catch a flight and visit your home away from home. Just keep in mind that Mercury, the planet that rules transportation and communication, will still be retrograde until May 14, so wait until it ends before you book it. A few days later, on May 16, lucky Jupiter will begin a new twelve-month cycle in Taurus and your partnerships sector. Expect gradual changes and opportunities for forming long-lasting platonic and romantic relationships. Single Scorpios could meet their ideal partner, while coupled Scorpios may finally get the green light to tie the knot.

Expect a significant energy shift on May 20, when motivator Mars leaves homebody Cancer and enters liberated Leo until July 11, illuminating the sector of your chart that governs your career and long-term commitments. Unlike the caring energy of Cancer, Mars in Leo for you is a time of relentless focus and confidence. Use this two-month period to form better habits around your work and hobbies. This is especially important because Gemini season officially begins on May 21, calling attention to your eighth house of shared resources and emotional boundaries. What mindsets and beliefs limit you from doing the work you love? How can you be a team player and still do what’s best for yourself? Give yourself time to work through these questions at the end of the month. Don’t rush.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope for May 2023

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Start the month off slow, Sagittarius. Your May 2023 horoscope begins on an emotionally intense note, as the Scorpio lunar eclipse peaking on May 5 brings attention to your twelfth house of ending, healing, and isolation. While this supercharged full moon is sure to expose raw wounds, don’t ignore or repress what this energy is trying to tell you. Whether it’s time to let go of distracting habits or projects that no longer fulfill you financially, be honest about what’s ready to be shed. Luckily, sweet Venus will be moving into Cancer and your enlightening eighth house of shared resources on May 7, bringing you the extra monetary support and quiet time you need to process these big feelings and lifestyle changes.

Emotions begin to settle on May 14, when Mercury officially ends its retrograde, urging you to make adjustments to your daily schedules and routines. For example, if you noticed during Mercury retrograde that you are more productive in the mornings than the evenings, try to be more mindful when coordinating your schedule. Remember, the goal is to work smarter, not harder, Sag. On another note, big energy is headed to the sector of your chart that rules organization and wellness beginning on May 16, when Jupiter, your planetary ruler, kicks off a new twelve-month journey in tactical Taurus until May 2024. This logical transit invites you to be more intentional with how you move your body and the foods you eat, because the better you feel, the more your quality of work increases.

May 20 marks the beginning of a happier and lighter chapter this month, as motivator Mars kicks off a two-month journey through fellow fire sign Leo. Because Leo governs your adventurous ninth house of continued learning and long-distance travel, this creative climate is ideal for launching a new passion project, publishing your work, and taking a much-needed work-free vacation. If a solo trip isn’t on your wish list, don’t hesitate to invite your bestie or bae along, especially once the sun switches gears and enters curious Gemini from May 21 until June 21. Single or taken, close out the month on a celebratory note with your favorite people. You deserve it.

Capricorn monthly horoscope for May 2023

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Listen to your heart this month, Capricorn. Your May 2023 horoscope is all about being open with those you love and enjoying the fruits of your labor. To help you get in the right mood for this uplifting energy, the month begins with the sensual sun in Taurus continuing its journey through your flirtatious fifth house of romance and creativity. While you enjoy the laid-back vibes Taurus season brings, things may take a passionate turn quickly as the soul-cleansing Scorpio lunar eclipse peaks on May 5, stirring up drama and healing in your social life. With the Scorpio lunar eclipse occurring in your 11th house of groups and extended family, you may need to cut ties with peers that no longer align with your current values and commitments. In other words, if they aren’t adding to your greatness, it’s time to go. This is especially important with Venus, the planet of love and relationships, moving into Cancer from May 7 until June 5. Choose your circle wisely.

A tempting ex or risky investment may be hard to ignore on May 9 when the sun and unpredictable Uranus meet in the sky, but don’t fall for the trap. As a Saturn-ruled sign, your strength is in your self-discipline. Focus on that. Fortunately for you, uneasiness in current relationships and passion projects will gradually release once Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct on May 14. Wait until then to make any major decisions about how you wish to move forward. To kick off the third week of the month on a celebratory note, joyous Jupiter will begin a brand new twelve-month cycle in Taurus and your fifth house of pleasure on May 16. Use this generous transit to explore a new hobby or creative pastime. How will you infuse more joy and romance into your world?

Although you may still be enjoying the luxuries of Taurus season, don’t be shocked if your attention is pulled to work and health matters on May 21, when the sun officially enters Gemini. Unlike Taurus, which rules your creativity sector, Gemini governs your sixth house of service and daily rituals, making it an ideal time to get your habits and routines back in order. It may also be a good idea to bring in extra help like a virtual assistant or outsource services like lawn maintenance, grocery shopping, and laundry, as this tends to be a busy time of year for you, and you may easily become overloaded. Though organizing your house and calendar may not seem like the most glamorous activity in the world, you will be glad you did on May 28 when the sun and strict Saturn form a frustrating square in the cosmos. This celestial meet-up could cause miscommunications in scheduling. To avoid delays, keep your planner nearby so you don’t miss an important meeting or deadline. Stay focused.

Aquarius monthly horoscope for May 2023

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Prioritize your home life this month, Aquarius. Your May 2023 horoscope offers a chance to explore your nurturing side as the Taurus sun continues its annual tour through your foundational fourth house of family and emotional security. Although you may enjoy the relaxation and intimacy this heart-opening transit can bring, be careful not to neglect your needs for the sake of others. This will become extremely important to remember on May 1 when Pluto stations retrograde in your sign. Pluto’s retrograde may cause power struggles, but they are not meant to harm you. Think of any conflicts that arise as opportunities for continued self-discovery and healing. If you start to feel physically burnt out or mentally drained, don’t hesitate to take some time away from work and your long-term goals on May 5 when the Scorpio lunar eclipse lights up your 10th house of career and public image. Use this time to reflect on the recent professional changes you’ve made. You’re headed in the right direction.

Take full advantage of the chance to explore a new exercise or wellness routine on May 7 when Venus, the planet of love and beauty, makes its move into Cancer and your sixth house of health and nutrition. This calming transit is ideal for getting your mind, body, and spirit back in alignment. Whether you’re looking to spruce up your skin-care routine, try a new yoga class, or eat healthier foods, use this time to pour back into you; your future self will thank you later. Luckily for you, energy levels will slowly pick back up once Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct on May 14. If you’ve been itching to get going on a home renovation project, expand your family, or move to a new space altogether, you’ll gradually get the clarity you need to execute on May 16 when Jupiter jumpstarts a new twelve-month cycle in Taurus and your fourth house of stability.

Finally, after weeks of rest and extended family time, the sun will slide into curious Gemini and your fifth house of pleasure on May 21, ramping up the call for romance and creativity in your social life. Keep in mind that motivational Mars will also be changing gears at the end of the month, as it makes the shift from water-ruled Cancer to fire-ruled Leo on May 20. For you, Leo rules your seventh house of partnerships and marriage, so don’t be surprised if things get serious fast in a platonic or romantic relationship. If feeling slightly insecure about all the attention and love you are receiving, remind yourself that you are worthy, Aquarius. Act like it!

Pisces monthly horoscope for May 2023

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Monthly Horoscope For May 2023

Share what’s on your heart this month, Pisces. Your May 2023 horoscope wants you to get real with those you care about, including yourself. Whether you feel called to start a book club to showcase your diverse interests, revamp your blog to build community with peers, or schedule a check-in with your favorite therapist to showcase your progress, this Taurus season marks a turning point in your ability to express your emotions clearly and calmly. In fact, your month begins with a clarifying aspect between Mercury retrograde and the sun on May 1, helping you clear out any clutter lingering in your living space and mind. To assist you on your self-discovery journey, a revolutionary Scorpio lunar eclipse will touch down in your ninth house of beliefs and continued learning on May 5, helping you shed thoughts and communication styles that may cause future misunderstandings. While this energy can be cleansing, try to remember that this is an eclipse, so big emotions and feelings are normal.

If April was a quiet month for you socially, expect your schedule to get busier starting on May 7 when socialite Venus exits Gemini and enters Cancer. With Venus hanging out in this sector of your chart until June 5, use the next few weeks to explore new hobbies, passion projects, and opportunities for romance. Creative fishes may also enjoy showcasing their thoughtfulness through handmade crafts and sentimental gifts. However, if plans aren’t going the way you wanted them to, try not to stress. Instead of canceling them altogether, wait until Mercury ends its retrograde and stations direct on May 14.

Take full advantage of the chance to learn something new on May 19 when the grounding Taurus new moon touches down in your third house of self-learning. Make the most of this magnetic moment by creating space for meditation, journaling, and other forms of mental self-care in your daily routines and rituals. Keep in mind that whatever intentions you set during the Taurus new moon will continue to unfold over the next year, as Jupiter begins a new twelve-month cycle in Taurus from May 16 until May 25, 2024. That said, a major energetic shift will find its way to you starting on May 21 when the sun officially begins its annual tour through Gemini and your foundational fourth house of home and family. From May 21 until June 21, embrace the call to reconnect with distant family members and peers, even if you don’t see eye-to-eye on every detail. This energy reminds you that sometimes it’s OK to meet in the middle.

Image Sources: Image Source: Getty / Shutterstock / Unsplash and Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

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