
Your April 2023 Monthly Horoscope For Your Zodiac Sign

Spring has sprung, and the cosmos are kicking into high gear. Welcome to the second half of Aries season and the beginning of the 2023 eclipse season. If March was a month of release and realization for you, April is a time of fresh starts and unlimited possibilities. Get ready to spring forward!

The first week of April kicks off with the sun and Mercury blazing their way through action-oriented Aries, helping you clear out any lingering fears and blockages stopping you from boldly pursuing passions and goals that may have seemed out of reach during Pisces season. While this fiery cardinal energy is best used for following your gut instincts and living in the moment, try not to push yourself too hard, especially with Mercury slowing down and switching gears on April 3, when it enters laid-back Taurus. Instead of operating from a “just do it now and plan later” mentality, Mercury’s meticulous move into Taurus encourages you to settle your mind and set practical intentions.

If feeling indecisive about which path to take, ask for clarity and guidance during the harmonizing Libra full moon on April 6. Since Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of partnerships and money, this balancing lunation will put you in touch with the right resources and people who can help you accomplish your far-reaching dreams. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

The second week of April begins with a cosmic blessing as the sun and Jupiter, the planet best known for its qualities of luck, growth, and adventure, team up in Aries on April 11. This celestial meetup brings opportunities for expansion and self-discovery to all zodiac signs. What new adventures and experiences are you ready to embark on? How is your worldview opening? For some, this thrilling transit invites you to launch a secret project you’ve been working on, embark on an adventurous vacation you’ve been anticipating, or simply celebrate yourself for all you’ve manifested over the past year. With Venus also moving into Gemini on the same day (April 11), don’t hesitate to call on your besties if you’re not feeling a solo trip. Let your group rally around you if you need the extra love!

You’ll notice a significant vibe and mood shift on April 19, as the first solar eclipse of the Aries-Libra axis touches down and the sun quietly slips into Taurus. Instead of chasing after your next big idea, you may feel called to make sustainable decisions that support you now and in the future. In fact, with Mercury stationing retrograde in Taurus the very next day, April 21, use the second half of the month to rejuvenate after an action-packed Aries season. If possible, spend time in nature and visit your favorite spa on April 24, when the sun and North Node of destiny align in Taurus. The end of the month is best spent slowing down and treating yourself to some much-needed relaxation!

See exactly what the next 30 days have in store for you with your April 2023 monthly horoscope, according to your zodiac sign and rising sign. For a deeper dive into your year ahead, also read your 2023 horoscope.

Aries monthly horoscope for April 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

Kick off the month on a celebratory note, Aries, as the sun wraps its annual tour in your sign. While others may become slightly overwhelmed by the number of planets in cardinal fire signs this month, your April 2023 horoscope invites you to harness your inner fire and use it to support your social connections and creative dreams. To help you stay grounded and in good spirits throughout the month, take a moment to find your balance on April 6, when the Libra full moon lights up the sky. This will be especially important when it comes to your relationships and love life, as the full moon will occur in your seventh house of partnerships and marriage.

Don’t get too caught up in others’ needs though, as the focus will shift back to your growth and development on April 11, when the sun and Jupiter join forces in your sign. During the week of this transit, you may feel inspired to take action on intuitive insights, training, and experiences collected over the past few months since Jupiter re-entered this sector of your chart in Dec. 2022. Make the most of this awakening energy by committing to a new course of study, creating a plan of execution for your long-term goals, or updating your spring wardrobe. New opportunities may arise from these efforts on April 19, when the total Aries solar eclipse officially peaks.

The month closes on a practical note as the sun shifts into Taurus on April 20 and Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus on April 21. Taurus rules your second house of personal finances and values, so this is a good time to check in with how you are managing money. While saving for the future is important, be sure to enjoy the fruits of your labor. If looking for a way to treat yourself, spend some time on April 29 exploring your favorite home decor store or website when your planetary ruler, Mars (currently in Cancer), meets up with Uranus. This cosmic mixup supports your desire to add more luxury and comfort to your space, just make sure you include it in the budget.

Taurus monthly horoscope for April 2023

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

Great things come to those who wait, so be patient with your glow-up, Taurus. Although your April 2023 horoscope starts on a slow note, you’ll begin to feel more at ease and like yourself when Mars meets up with the North Node of destiny on April 2. This soul-cleansing transit brings crystal clear insight into how you are building your legacy and also highlights the people you bring along the way to support you. Choose wisely. If your energy is low at the beginning of the month, be mindful of what you say yes to. A powerful Libra full moon will light up the sky on April 6, highlighting imbalances in your work, health, and personal life. While you’ll certainly be in the mood to help others, remember, you can’t be everywhere at once. Be sure to give from a full cup.

Things start to heat up after the liberating Libra full moon, which is why you should use the first week of the month to rest and reset. On April 11, the sun and joyous Jupiter will align in Aries, awakening your desire for creative freedom and unrestricted play. During the week of this soul-deepening transit, you may feel called to meditate more, invest in a spiritual retreat/workshop, or go on an adventurous solo date. You’ll also want to take special note of any standout moments that occur during the Saturn and North Node meetup touching down on April 14, as it could bring new social connections and mentors who open your eyes and ears to more fulfilling opportunities. This is also a good time to journal your thoughts and intentions for your birthday season. What do you want the next chapter of life to be like?

An opportunity to start fresh will manifest on April 20, when the sun begins its annual four-week return to your sign. Happy birthday, Taurus! This cosmic climate is ideal for treating yourself to a new hairstyle, celebrating your accomplishments with an elaborate dinner, or taking off on that birthday vacation you’ve been planning for months. That said, keep an open mind and schedule, as plans may be likely to change once Mercury stations retrograde in your sign on April 21. Luckily, the changes that occur during the retrograde season are clearing the way for what’s to come later in May. If feeling the weight of this transit, get outside and connect with nature on April 24, when the sun and North Node merge as one in Taurus. Let this heart-opening transit show you that you are already enough.

Gemini monthly horoscope for April 2023

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

Your network is your net worth this month, Gemini — work the room. While some Gems would prefer to take the laid-back, carefree approach to professional and personal matters this month, your April 2023 horoscope wants you to take charge, even if it is behind the scenes. With Mercury elevating your 11th house of social status, friendships, and community until April 3, use the first few days of the month to follow up with previous job applications, mentors, and colleagues, as you’re feeling more energized and confident to share your dreams publicly. If things start to slow down or you drop a few friends who no longer match your vibe once Mercury moves into Taurus on April 3, don’t panic. This astrological shift teaches you to be more consistent and intentional with your time and associations, especially since the Libra full moon is peaking on April 6.

An uplifting and inspiring energy will find its way to you on April 11, when the sun in Aries joins forces with Jupiter, helping you seek out more experienced and knowledgeable peers who can support you. That’s not to say that your ride or dies are no longer needed; it just means that now is the time to expand existing connections and pitch yourself to larger entities, especially when Saturn teams up with the North Node of fate on April 14. If feeling mentally fatigued mid-month with Mercury hanging out in your isolation sector, don’t push yourself too hard. The dark moon in Pisces will be resting in your 10th house of career and public image from April 15 to April 17, making it an ideal time to take time off work to recharge for the total solar eclipse shaking up the skies on April 19.

Though many planets are in action-oriented fire signs this month, close out April on a chill note, as the sun joins Mercury in your 12th house of healing and completion on April 20. Whether you decide to work from home more, dedicate your mornings and evenings to self-care, or get serious about saving for the future, Taurus season for you is all about practicing patience. If struggling to settle into a slower current, lean on Mercury, which will be stationing retrograde in Taurus on April 21. This planetary placement encourages you to be gentle with yourself and your process. While this may take you out of your comfort zone at first, remember this is only temporary. Lighten the mood with a fun outing on April 25, when people-pleaser Venus in your sign receives a cosmic boost from the gifted healer, Chiron. You earned it!

Cancer monthly horoscope for April 2023

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

There’s a time to fantasize about the goals you want to achieve, and there’s a time when you need to roll up your sleeves and take action. This is one of those take-action months, Cancer, as your April 2023 horoscope is challenging you to channel your ambition into disciplined action. Typically, this could be somewhat disheartening news, as you may feel your best when you flow at a slower pace. But luckily, Mars is in your sign until May 20, strengthening your inner go-getter and self-confidence. If feeling unsure about where to start at the beginning of the month, try not to stress. Instead of overthinking or allowing your emotions to overwhelm you, trust your instincts and follow your intuition, especially on April 2, when Mars and the North Node of destiny align. This is important, as a liberating Libra full moon will highlight your familial fourth house of home and family on April 6, which could cause work-life imbalances if you’re not taking care of yourself. Uphold your boundaries.

Big moves can be made professionally and personally on April 11, when the sun and visionary Jupiter team up in ambitious Aries, so don’t be afraid to showcase your Cancer-like grit and courage when duty calls. During the week of this transit, you may feel motivated to launch a new business venture or product offering, update your website or LinkedIn profile, or take a lead role in your family dynamics. While you may not see immediate results from your efforts, stay encouraged. New opportunities may manifest during the April 19 total Aries solar eclipse. Give yourself extra time to ease into the changes.

Expect an energetic shift starting on April 20, when the sun finally sails away from hot-headed Aries and cruises into cool, calm, and collected Taurus. This means that for the next four weeks, the sun will be sinking its teeth into your eclectic 11th house of community and friendships, emphasizing how well you nurture and expand existing relationships and bonds. Whether you are leading a group project, giving advice to your bestie, or establishing a book club, be sure to share your value with the world. While you may run into hiccups along the way as Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus on April 21, start now. Whatever seeds you plant will bloom during the May 2023 Taurus new moon. If looking for inspiration for your new venture, get out and explore on April 29. On this day, Mars (still in your sign) will team up with innovative Uranus, and this energy is excellent for getting out of a rut.

Leo monthly horoscope for April 2023

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

Since January 2022, the North Node of destiny has journeyed through Taurus and your 10th house of ambition, transforming your career goals and public image. Fortunately for you, the work you have done since then comes to a head this month, Leo, as your April 2023 horoscope begins with a divine alignment between Mars and the North Node. On April 2, these two celestial bodies will merge, bringing the insights you need to work smarter, and not harder. Keep this same energy on April 3, when Mercury enters Taurus, adding more fuel to your fire. This stabilizing transit is ideal for handling financial matters and strategic planning. To help you sort through what may feel like an endless to-do list, take a moment to pause and ask for help on April 6, when the harmonizing Libra full moon illuminates the sky. This loving Venus-ruled lunation pushes you to cut ties with those who do not support your vision and, instead, connect with individuals ready to contribute to your cause.

If in need of a little R&R time away from work, slip away on April 7, when Venus and Neptune cozy up in a calming sextile. Whether you’re looking for something elaborate like a staycation or simply an undisturbed morning of sleeping in, this tranquil transit is excellent for attracting more ease in your life. Things start to heat up on April 11, though, when the sun and Jupiter team up in fiery Aries. On a personal level, this energy can help you unlock new opportunities to travel, experiment with new hobbies and interests and explore new cultures. On a professional level, this energy pushes you to broaden your technical skills and industry connections. Allow yourself to dream big!

Celebrate your growth and achievements on April 19, when the Aries solar eclipse touches down in your house of authority and specialization. Whether you like it or not, others notice how special you are, and some lions may even be receiving external acknowledgment and awards to prove it. While outside validation isn’t what makes you you — be open to receiving the respect and recognition you deserve once the sun moves into Taurus on April 20. With the sun soaring through your tactical 10th house of public reputation until May 21, the next four weeks are all about sharing your light and power with the world. Own it! One thing to keep in mind as the month comes to a close is that Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus and your 10th house on April 21. This means that you may want to review your content and communications before you share them, as others are more likely to respond. This could create challenges if you aren’t intentional. Luckily, a positive planetary mashup between the sun and North Node on April 24 brings you the tools you need to communicate clearly. Trust your gut!

Virgo monthly horoscope for April 2023

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

Slow and steady is the name of your game this month, Virgo, as Aries season for you is all about owning your transformational power. While other zodiac signs are encouraged to speed up during the frantic start of the astrological new year, your April 2023 horoscope urges you to create your own lane. You are you and no one else! This cosmic climate is beneficial for Virgos looking to expand their business affairs and financial assets, as others are more aware of your unique perspective and willingness to do something different. This is especially true once Mercury enters fellow earth sign Taurus on April 3. Use this focused energy to assert yourself with more confidence and courage, especially if you’ve had issues with people-pleasing or disrespectful partners in the past.

Money matters may become the center of conversation on April 6, when the liberating Libra full moon shakes up your second house of income and possessions. For some, this may bring a wake-up call about how you are allocating your resources. For others, it may be a confirmation that you are on the right path financially. Either way, you’ll feel serious and proud about the daily contributions you are making to secure a sustainable and luxurious future for yourself and your loved ones. Keep up the good work! Although you will experience these themes throughout the month, they may become more pronounced a few days later on April 11, when the sun and joyous Jupiter sync up in Aries. Venus will also slip into Gemini and your 10th house of long-term goals and ambition on April 11, motivating you to connect with mentors and advisors who can assist you on this new path.

Like any new beginning, there must be an end. Keep this in mind on April 19, when the Aries solar eclipse closes the door on one chapter and opens another. Fuel your body and mind with lots of positive energy, and surround yourself with only those you trust. This is a sacred day for you. On a more uplifting note, Taurus season officially begins the next day, April 20, bringing you back into your element. Just keep in mind that on April 21, Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus, and this may bring challenges. If feeling the mental fog Mercury retrograde sometimes brings, take a screen detox and connect with nature. The Mars and Uranus meetup on April 29 is an excellent day to unwind and let go!

Libra monthly horoscope for April 2023

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

You’ll be happy to know that romance and promotions are on the agenda for you this month, Libra. While your April 2023 horoscope does contain messages about how this is a great time to fall in love, assert yourself with confidence, or meet your dream boss/client, it also provides powerful insights into how you can unleash self-defeating habits that may have been sabotaging your career for years. To assist you with what may feel like a total life makeover, Mercury will move into Taurus and your erotic eighth house of personal power and emotional control on April 3. Make the most of this magnetizing energy by recommitting to your goals, wants, and needs underneath the luscious Libra full moon on April 6. With this full moon taking place in your sign and first house of self, your number one priority is taking care of you.

As a Venus-ruled sign, you’ll be grateful you created space for the self-care time you needed on April 11, when the sun and Jupiter align in action-oriented Aries. This will be especially important when it comes to your relationships and professional agreements, as this planetary placement will occur in your seventh house of partnerships, contracts, and marriage. Additionally, on the same day (April 11), Venus will flow into Gemini bringing more emphasis to how you connect and communicate your desires. If tensions flare around April 14, when Venus and strict Saturn engage in a power struggle in the sky, keep a level head — some battles are not worth fighting. While it may sting to let go of something you are deeply attached to, keep in mind that new bonds start to bloom during the April 19 Aries solar eclipse. Use the cleansing energy of this supercharged fire new moon to purify yourself of any negative energy.

As if the universe knew you needed a mental break from your daily duties, the sun will enter Taurus on April 20, turning your attention to the people, products, and places that make you feel safest. Instead of bustling between tasks, use the next four weeks to slow down and assess your assets. Taurus rules money and your eighth house of shared resources, so this is an ideal time to focus on building wealth and reducing debts. In fact, with Mercury stationing retrograde in Taurus on April 21, the end of the month may be a good time to increase your knowledge of financial literacy, as well as esoteric subjects like astrology and metaphysics. Some Libras may even feel inspired to apply for business funding, collaborate on a community project, or take a lead role at work during the Leo last-quarter moon on April 27. Don’t limit your potential.

Scorpio monthly horoscope for April 2023

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

Take extra care of yourself this month, Scorpio — you can’t pour from an empty cup. Your April 2023 horoscope opens the door to new experiences around your wellness and work life, especially with the Aries sun sitting in your service-oriented sixth house of health and duty until April 20. While you would rather spend your free time daydreaming about the future you are passionately working to secure, don’t miss out on an opportunity to enjoy your present-day reality — especially on April 2, when Mars and the North Node of destiny come together for a magical rendezvous in the sky. This soothing transit is ideal for clearing your head with a guided meditation or taking a scenic walk with a close friend.

Emotions may rise on April 6, when the Libra full moon casts its shadow over your 12th house of endings. This loving lunation brings closure and healing to unfinished business and relationships; let the hurt go. Although it may sting at first, moving on may be easier than you think, as a lucky planetary configuration between the sun and Jupiter in Aries on April 11 motivates you to adopt healthier habits that support your higher purpose. Whether that be investing in a new gym membership, linking up with an accountability partner, or prioritizing your mental health more, it’s up to you to make it happen.

On April 19, an illuminating Aries solar eclipse will reach its peak, urging you to make adjustments to your daily schedule and responsibilities. If feeling overwhelmed by your workload, delegate, delegate, delegate. With the sun shifting gears and slipping into Taurus on April 20, the second half of the month is all about your one-to-one connections. Whether you need more support at home or in the office, make sure your relationships are not one-sided. If not, you may need to reevaluate who you share your attention and affection with once Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus and your seventh house of partnerships on April 21. This energy will become more pronounced on April 27, when the Leo last-quarter moon highlights your fourth house of home, family, and emotional stability.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope for April 2023

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

The world is your oyster, Sagittarius, enjoy all the wonders it has to offer this month. Your April 2023 horoscope begins with a healing planetary alignment between the sun and Chiron in Aries on April 5. With Aries ruling your fifth house of popularity and gifts, and Chiron ruling the wounds that set you free, this awakening transit brings blissful breakthroughs as you let go of the fear of being wrongfully judged. Instead of suppressing your voice out of fear of rejection, make the most of this cleansing energy by showing up as your most authentic self — no filters needed! If in pursuit of the perfect opportunity to debut your newfound confidence, look no further than the Libra moon lighting up the sky on April 6. This full moon fully supports your call for self-expression. It’s time to show the world who you really are.

Keep that same energy on April 11, when two major astrological events arrive to shake up your personal and professional life. For starters, the sun and Jupiter will merge in Aries, inspiring you to stop playing it small and take a calculated risk. That same day, Venus will enter your sister sign, Gemini, until May 7. With Gemini ruling your seventh house of partnerships and marriage, this is an ideal transit for renegotiating contracts and attracting new collaborative partners.

Although you may still be reeling from the aftermath of the April 19 Aries solar eclipse, don’t be shocked if things start to cool off the next day on April 20, when the sun leaves fellow fire sign Aries and slips into security-driven Taurus. Unlike the impulsive and assertive energy of Aries, Taurus season is all about practicing patience and being intentional with your decisions. In other words, you need to make sure all your moves add up. This is especially true once Mercury stations retrograde in your sixth house of organization on April 21. While this may take you out of your comfort zone at first, eventually you will grow to appreciate the peace and stability consistency brings. To finish the month, celebrate your small wins during the April 27 Leo last-quarter moon. You deserve it!

Capricorn monthly horoscope for April 2023

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

If things are feeling passionate and chaotic on the home front this month, Capricorn, you’re not alone. As the adamant sun in Aries continues its tour through your foundational fourth house of family and emotional security, your April 2023 horoscope is an opportunity to dissolve disagreements with loved ones and level up your living space. The month kicks off on a healing note, as Mars forms a supportive alignment with the North Node of destiny on April 2. This soul-soothing transit is excellent for family gatherings and intimate outings. Goats looking to sneak away for a staycation or day trip may find that your schedule becomes more open for such activities once Mercury moves into Taurus and your fifth house of fun on April 3.

Take full advantage of the chance to flow at your own pace the first few days of the month, because you may need to tend to more serious commitments and duties on April 6, when the Libra full moon lights up your 10th house of public responsibility and long-term goals. If you don’t get a chance to check everything off your to-do list before the full moon, don’t sweat it. You’ll get another opportunity to purchase new furniture, home-gym equipment, or spring clothes for the kids on April 11, when the sun and Jupiter sync up in Aries. In the meantime, focus on taking it one day at a time. Venus will also move into socialite Gemini and your eighth house of shared resources on April 11, so extended family and friends may rely on you for assistance more than usual.

Break free from the BS once and for all on April 19, when the Aries solar eclipse touches down. Whether you are looking to secure your first home, start a trust fund for your family, or adjust to living alone for the first time, make the most of this supercharged new moon by listening to your body and creating safe spaces to freely express your emotions. You’ll receive a boost of cosmic relief on April 20, when the sun switches gears and enters fellow earth sign Taurus. With Mercury also stationing retrograde in Taurus on April 21, remember to take it easy. Whatever intentions you set for yourself now will most likely begin to manifest during the May 2023 new moon. Don’t rush your process.

Aquarius monthly horoscope for April 2023

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

You know exactly what you want this month, Aquarius, so focus your efforts. With Pluto officially entering its first month in your sign, your April 2023 horoscope is all about taking control of your daily routines and life choices. After a revolutionary March forecast, April begins on a peaceful note, as calming Mars in Cancer (currently visiting your sixth house of wellness and work) teams up with the sensual North Node of destiny on April 2. This health-focused transit is an ideal time for exploring new fitness activities such as stress-relieving-yoga classes or something more challenging like Pilates. While you may be tempted to opt out of social events more once Mercury enters Taurus on April 3, resist the urge to completely neglect your social life. Instead, opt for more laid-back spring friendly meetups like movie night and back-porch picnics.

With all the heavy lifting out of the way, you’ll be eager to get out and explore again on April 6, when the loving Libra full moon touches down in your ninth house of adventure. Whether you’re planning to travel abroad for the first time, learn a second language, or dream about the future with your romantic partner, believe that the right people will understand you and have your back! If looking for an opportunity to showcase your appreciation to those who support you, circle April 11 on your calendar. On April 11, the sun and Jupiter in Aries will sync up in the sky, lighting up your third house of communication. During the week of this transit, you may feel eager to share your good fortune with others and promote your services to the world. Do what feels right in your spirit.

On April 19, the Aries solar eclipse will illuminate your third house of thought, wiping the slate clean on outdated ideas and beliefs that no longer support your future vision. Instead of shutting down your big ideas before you try them, allow yourself to figure it out as you go. This is because, on April 20, your attention will most likely shift to home and family matters as the sun settles into Taurus. To make the most of this grounding energy, prioritize your rest and spend more time outdoors. With Mercury stationing retrograde in Taurus on April 21, the last week of the month is best spent slowing down and getting reacquainted with loved ones.

Pisces monthly horoscope for April 2023

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Monthly Horoscope For April 2023

Unleash your inner fire this month, Pisces, as your April 2023 horoscope invites you to sharpen your money-management and communication skills. While the influx of cardinal fire energy in the sky is motivating for you, the key to your success this month is how well you can stay consistent. To help you stay grounded and centered throughout the month, Mercury will move into tactical earth sign Taurus on April 3, emphasizing your desire for solid connections and income opportunities that meet your practical and emotional standards. This security-driven transit is ideal for adding more structure to your daily routines and spending habits. Be sure to keep track of your expenses.

For the creative fishes looking to add more magic and mystery to their worlds, major moves can be made on April 6, when the mesmerizing Libra full moon reaches its peak in your erotic eighth house of secrets and sexuality. Make the most of this magnetic moment by slipping into your favorite lingerie or pampering yourself with a rose-scented bubble bath; it’s all about indulging in the simple pleasures. On April 11, take special note of any intense thoughts or emotions that come swimming to the surface. On this day, Venus will enter Gemini and your fourth house of home and family. With Venus in one of the most sensitive sectors of your birth chart until May 7, it’s best to spend the first few days of this transit settling into a slower rhythm. Enjoy the quiet!

Expect a refreshing energetic shift to find its way to you on April 20, when the sun enters laid-back Taurus until May 21. Visiting your third house of learning, this thought-provoking transit is ideal for experimenting with new hobbies and skills that bring you down to earth and soothe your sensitive nervous system. Unlike Aries season, which is well suited for physical activities, Taurus season is best spent doing art-based activities that engage all five senses. Luckily, the stars are aligned in your favor, as Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus on April 21, giving you a chance to catch your breath and process your thoughts. If looking for a way to end the month on a high note, take advantage of the Mars and Uranus showdown on April 29. This go-with-the-flow energy is excellent for being spontaneous and living in the moment. Let your inner child shine!

Image Sources: Image Source: Getty / Shutterstock / Unsplash and Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

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